April 17-21 Weekly Work

Session Number 5
Week Number 4
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4
Film Rough shots for video. 

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/10Practice Filming60 min yes
3/28 creating shot list for second location60 min yes
 3/29 taking notes on lighting 60 min yes
 3/30 watching videos for inspiration 60 min yes
 3/31 checking progress and planning for the future 60 min yes

Personal Comments (Optional) 

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Session 5 (Medication.) Pre-Production Journal

(Evidence of Location Scouting)


As the Only member of my team, it was pretty easy to manage the work flow. Although this was a blessing and a curse because when I got distracted… My whole entire team was distracted.


I wanted to create a visual medium for my latest musical release and take inspirations from popular artists within the genre of music.

Target Audience

My Target audience is my piers and people in my general age group. Teens/young adults.

Influences From Other Films

This film is taking heavy influence from artist music videos such as Hell Boy by Lil Peep and Bad Boy by Juice WRLD. WARNING!!!! both of these have explicit lyrics. I am taking inspiration from the music videos and directing choices.

Location Scouting

Location Scouting is very easy using google earth and looking for dark rooms where the lighting is mainly coming from the window. I’ve looked into rooms in my house and the school. (See top of blog post for evidence)


Filming at school should not be a problem and the location I have scouted is public property.

What I learned and Problems I solved

I have learned a lot about the creative process behind music videos. I never knew how complicated it really was. One problem that I solved was was fixating on my grades. After I focused on the pre production at hand, I was able to go back and discuss my poor grades with LeDuc.

April 10-15 Weekly Work

Session Number 5
Week Number 3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: 4
Look into possible filming locations for final shoot on google maps and catch up on missing work.

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was this a Best Practice? 
4/10taking notes on camera movements from various videos60 min yes
3/28 creating shot list for second location60 min yes
 3/29 taking notes on lighting 60 min yes
 3/30 watching videos for inspiration  60 min yes
 3/31 checking progress and planning for the future 60 min yes

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Are there any other comments you would like to include? If so, please enter them here: