Session 2- Production Project



This was a learning process. It was really interesting learning the basics of screenwriting. Even though this may not be an amazing film, it was a fun experience. If we don’t make mistakes, we don’t learn from them.



Intention (SMART Goal)

By October 14th, as part of team #2, as screenwriter, I will have evidence of beginning middle and end by following this tutorial for session 1.

Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

George Lucas

12:18 George Lucas says that he writes to music to help capture the feeling of the scene that he is writing. 0:53 often times this same music is used as a temp track. 1:15 To make good films you have to create an artistic problem and then invent the technology to solve that problem. 15:17 no decision is the worst decision. Don’t be afraid to write something bad.

Training Source(s)

Establish Slug line 2:05 2:22 is it inside or outside?? What time of day is it?? Afternoon? Evening? dawn? Dusk? 2:25 if the flow of time between 2 scenes is uninterrupted you can write continuous. 2:30 same location but later in time? write later. 2:40 If in moving vehicle write moving.

Project Timeline


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)



(see slideshow for skill evidence)


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

One problem that we ran into was downloading our audio onto the computer. We were able to rely on each other and combine our knowledge and solve the problem.

Reactions to the Final Version

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Grammar and Spelling



Tori Murray