Production Project Screenwriter Session 4


creating a script in pre-production involved researching Cinematic Storytelling by Jennifer Van Sijll to get an idea of what elements are to be used in our film., I was able to research how different character movements can be used in our film to invoke different emotions, in our film in particular, the use of filming in squares, rectangles, etc. (doors, walls, hallways) to show that the protagonist is feeling boxed in due to the memory loss. By looking at the section: Space, I was able to get an idea of how the antagonist was to be portrayed. I can intentionally make the audience feel uneasy about the antagonists presence and hint at an evil motive using a lack of dialog. This allows me to set up up a character and the conflict easily with the small amount of time that we have. By putting characters in certain places without any dialogue, it can convey relationships and emotion. This utilizes the short amount of time we have simply by actor placement. By following this research from Cinematic Storytelling by Jennifer Van Sijll by the end of this session I want to have evidence for a complete script that builds tension.


Screen Writer

Intention (SMART Goal)

By March 3, as Screenwriter apart of Team 2 I will have evidence for rhythm in a script with a beginning, middle, and end with tension by following Circular Filmmaking and the Visual Story by Bruce block and Cinematic Storytelling by Jennifer Van Sijll.

Explanation of the Film

Our film is a mystery inspired by the film by Christopher NolanMemento. The film will follow a character who was attacked by a mysterious individual and loses their memory, the duration of the film will then follow the journey to re-discover their memory to recall the events of what happened. The protagonist will find clues to the attacker and their identity and reveal them to police which will be the conclusion of the film. The reason I want to make this film is because it is a fun concept and it seems achievable but also challenging that will result with a quality film. I personally, have also been interested in creating a detective like film.

Target Audience

Our target audience is for people that like mysteries and working things out while watching the film. Our intended reaction for people is to be excited and curious about the end of the film when the mystery is unraveled.

Influences from other Films

The main influencer was the previously mentioned Memento which was directed by Christopher Nolan. We took the mystery and memory loss element from Memento and applied it to our film.

Genre / Style of the Film

The style and or genre of the film will be a mystery/detective and thriller. This means there will be a clear mystery and its resolve and a lot of tension throughout the film.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

The writers Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher used a non-linear structure, alternating between past and present events, to keep the audience engaged and build tension. The dialogue was sharp, witty and often fast-paced, reflecting the dynamic nature of the tech industry and the characters involved. Sorkin’s screenplay also highlighted the themes of friendship, power, and greed, which are universal and timeless. By creating complex and flawed characters, the writers humanized the story of the creation of Facebook, making it more relatable and emotionally resonant.

Training Source(s)

Project Timeline

Jan 23 – March 3

Evidence of Team Planning and Decisions


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Skills Commentary


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I think that over all communication between team members could have been better. I think that it would have made our film stronger and more cohesive.

sharing of the folder containing director video clips and director decisions.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

Logic Pro X

Premier Pro

Reactions to the Final Version

People were pretty scared if our film! One thing that the professionals noted was that a lot of the dialogue did not match up with the second part of our film. This was partly because one of our actors improvised some lines that we decided to keep in the final version. In the end this hurt the film because these lines did not contribute to the rising tension that our film was intended to convey.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

Overall I would say that I really enjoyed creating this film. One thing that I would like to do next time is to collaborate with the sound designer more. I feel like the audio in our film was not as even as it could have been.

Grammar and Spelling



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